Tuesday, May 12, 2009


-almost done with classes
-summer is almost here
-about to be on summer break
-finally about to go to the PHILIPPINES!!!!!

Yes!!! Its happening! Im finally going to have the opportunity of going to visit my family in the Philippines! I have never been in my life and I am so ready! Im blessed to finally have this chance. God has been blessing my family with so much and I love how He just continues to provide everything according to His good and perfect will! I have so much to be thankful for!

So needless to say Im so absolutely ready for summer break because I leave on May 23rd to head out to the Philippines. Im absolutely stoked and also nervous too! Please pray for safety travels.

Ive also been blessed with a car! Ive never owned a car in my life! God has just been doing some great things! Im just so overwhelmed and so thankful.